Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October Roundtables: How You Can Help Prevent Suicide & Violence [qualifies for CME/CEU credit]

The Glendon Association's Violence and Suicide Prevention Alliance presents
Giving Voice to Hope:
Stories of Survival and Change

  • Learn what you and our community can do to help prevent suicide and violence.
  • Hear powerful, life-transforming stories from those whose lives have been affected by suicide and violence

FREE roundtable discussions with noted experts will be hosted by the Violence & Suicide Prevention Alliance at the following venues:
Thursday, October 2nd, 2oo8
Santa Barbara High School Auditorium

700 E. Anapamu St,
Santa Barbara

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

Marian Theater, Allan Hancock College

800 S. College Dr,
Santa Maria
no parking permit needed

Doors open at 6:30pm, with event start at 7pm

Events are FREE, and no RSVP is needed
Open to the public

Keynote Speaker: Aqeela Sherrills
Turning Pain into Hope: Transforming our Communities
Aqeela Sherrills, a peace advocate and activist, has traveled the world advising on creating non-violent communities.

He is best known for helping to create the peace treaty between LA gang rivals, the Bloods and the Crips in 1992. His son, Terrell Sherrills was shot to death in 2004 in an apparently random killing. He has worked on projects including Amer-I-Can, and is executive director and co-founder (with his brother) of the Community Self-Determination Institute.

Featured Presenters:
Nancy Cornejo, former gang member turned Community Peace Advocate
Sarah Farmer, survivor of Veteran's Suicide and founter of the Lehner Foundation
Deputy Ken Rushing, first responder impacted by suicide

Moderator: Lisa Firestone, PhD - Director of Research and Education for The Glendon Association
Closing Remarks: Paul Erickson, MD - Head of Psychiatric Services, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital

Free refreshments provided by Starbucks

Pre-registration for credit available through Allan Hancock College, or register at the door on a space-available basis. This event meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education credit for nurses (provider #00252), radiology technologists (BRN Category B), certified nursing assistants (provider #F1683), MFCC's and LCSW's (CA Bd of Behavioral Sciences (provider #PCE741). Mental health professionals may receive free CE credits.

For more details, call
The Glendon Association at 681-0415, ext. 26. CEU's provided bu Cottage Hospital; CME's provided by event co-sponsor SB Consortium for Continuing Medical Education, and offered free of charge.

Friday, September 26, 2008

CHC Dental Screening: Oct 11th in Paso Robles

The new Mobile Dental Van will be stationed at Paso Robles on Saturday, October 11th, providing dental services in the Paso Bowl parking lot.

Walk-in services will be focused on children, however emergency services will be offered to patients of all ages on a first-come, first-served basis.

We are accepting CenCal Health (Medi-Cal) members, sliding fee (w/ proof of income), and private pay patients.

Services will include fluoride varnishing and cleanings for children, emergency services, oral health screening, oral health education, and school evaluations.

CHC Mobile Dental Screening
Saturday, October 11th, 2008

9am - 4pm

Paso Bowl parking lot

2748 Spring Street


Lead organizer for this screening is Janice Johnson. Janice is Health Center Manager for CHC Templeton Dental, 1050 Las Tablas Road, Suite 17. (805) 434-2020, or email at jjohnson@chccc.org.

General questions about CHC's Dental Services should be directed to Christina Leach, CHC Dental Manager. Christina is based out of Nipomo Community Medical Center, 150 Tejas Place. (805) 931-2561, or email at cleach@chccc.org.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

CHC Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month at Paso Robles High School



SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2008. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Community Health Centers of the Central Coast (CHC), Paso Robles High School (PRHS), and the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) decided to host our first "Kermes" Herencia Hispana event. We had many parents and students involved in this project, including Xelina Rojas from PRHS, and parent Guillermina Toribio, whose outstanding efforts helped make this event a great success.

The event was held at the Paso Robles High School parking lot on Saturday September 13th from 4:00pm till 9:00pm. The purpose was to raise scholarship funds for our Latino kids and to have parents involved with planning their kid's future, by providing information on how to prepare for College or University. Additional support came from Maria Legato/French Hospital, Margarita Ramirez/Cuesta College, and Ester Garcia/Migrant Program, who provided blood pressure checks, blood sugar readings, information on nutrition, BMI, exercise, and education programs. CHC Pediatrician Dr. Laura Herzberg gave a presentation on treating asthma.

For entertainment we had Dolores Flores' El Camino Real Children Dancing Troup from Atascadero, Aida Guerrero's Cachanilla Mexican Folklore from Paso Robles, Curpitres de Michoacan from Paso Robles, and music provided by Quartet Mex. We had 3 raffle drawings, with lucky attendees winning a 42' plasma TV, a laptop computer, and $200.00 gas card.

Thankfully the event went smoothly -- no incidents -- only happy faces! According to PRHS Principal Randy Nelson, this event is the start of something that will be a major annual festivity in Paso Robles.
ELAC committee:
President; Marcelo Almaguer
Vice president: Rafael Arreola
Secretary: Candelaria Soto
Treasurer: Guillermina Toribio
Marcelo can be reached at CHC Paso Robles/Los Robles Medical Center, 345 Spring Street. (805) 238-7250, or malmaguer@chccc.org.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Support Our Service Women By Sending Care Packages to The Middle East


A friend and neighbor is participating with his Fireman's Muster group to fill and send 250 care packages to the Middle East for our soldiers. With the holidays approaching, this is a great time to let our troops know how important they are to us, and that we are thinking of them.

So often when we think of our soldiers over there we think of our men, so I'm collecting stuff for our young women that are serving there as well. What I'm doing is purchasing things that girls like -- stuff like scented shaving cream, some pretty writing pens, microwave popcorn, jerky, lip gloss, nice stationary, scented bathwash or scented lotions, books and magazines on clothes and "the rags" like US and People and The Enquirer... ya know, girlie stuff.

I'm hoping that CHC staff will be able to help by putting up a box at each site, where I can come around and collect items to send. I've volunteered to pay the postage at $11/box, and I'm filling a couple of boxes myself, but the Fireman's group is trying to up their donation from 230 boxes last year, to 250 boxes this year.

It would be fantastic if CHC could make up the difference, and donate all 20 boxes!?

Imelda Guzman and Patricia Sly have already volunteered to set up a donation box in Nipomo. Nipomo staffers can drop off donations in their break room. If your site doesn't have a donation box, small items can been sent to NCMC via inner-office courier, marked "Troop Donations".

If any other sites would like participate, or have items for pick-up, please let Gloria Johnson know, and your site's information will be added to this post.

Gloria is based out of Coastal Medical Center in Arroyo Grande, at 336 Halcyon Road.
Call her at (805) 270-1600, or email at