Giving Voice to Hope:
Stories of Survival and Change
- Learn what you and our community can do to help prevent suicide and violence.
- Hear powerful, life-transforming stories from those whose lives have been affected by suicide and violence
FREE roundtable discussions with noted experts will be hosted by the Violence & Suicide Prevention Alliance at the following venues:
Thursday, October 2nd, 2oo8
Santa Barbara High School Auditorium
700 E. Anapamu St, Santa Barbara
Tuesday, October 7th, 2008
Marian Theater, Allan Hancock College
800 S. College Dr, Santa Maria
no parking permit needed
Doors open at 6:30pm, with event start at 7pm
Events are FREE, and no RSVP is needed
Open to the public
- Visit the Community Resource Fair
- Spanish-language materials will be made available
Turning Pain into Hope: Transforming our Communities
Aqeela Sherrills, a peace advocate and activist, has traveled the world advising on creating non-violent communities.
He is best known for helping to create the peace treaty between LA gang rivals, the Bloods and the Crips in 1992. His son, Terrell Sherrills was shot to death in 2004 in an apparently random killing. He has worked on projects including Amer-I-Can, and is executive director and co-founder (with his brother) of the Community Self-Determination Institute.
Featured Presenters:
Nancy Cornejo, former gang member turned Community Peace Advocate
Sarah Farmer, survivor of Veteran's Suicide and founter of the Lehner Foundation
Deputy Ken Rushing, first responder impacted by suicide
Moderator: Lisa Firestone, PhD - Director of Research and Education for The Glendon Association
Closing Remarks: Paul Erickson, MD - Head of Psychiatric Services, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital
Free refreshments provided by Starbucks
Pre-registration for credit available through Allan Hancock College, or register at the door on a space-available basis. This event meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education credit for nurses (provider #00252), radiology technologists (BRN Category B), certified nursing assistants (provider #F1683), MFCC's and LCSW's (CA Bd of Behavioral Sciences (provider #PCE741). Mental health professionals may receive free CE credits.
For more details, call The Glendon Association at 681-0415, ext. 26. CEU's provided bu Cottage Hospital; CME's provided by event co-sponsor SB Consortium for Continuing Medical Education, and offered free of charge.